As followers of Jesus fasting is a discipline we can use throughout the year. At Evangel, January has been designated as a Month of Prayer and Fasting for the church as a whole.  This is a wonderful opportunity for us to unify in a single mind/heart approach in praying for the church!  And for each individual within the church body to pray and fast for personal and/or family prayer requests during this month. 

"Hear, O Lord, when I cry aloud; be gracious to me and answer me! You have said, 'Seek my face.' My heart says to you, 'Your face, Lord, do I seek.'" — Psalm 27:7-8

For more information, including different types of fasts and the physical impact of fasting, please read this Prayer & Fasting Info Sheet.

Please note: Food fasts are not recommended for children younger than 16, and always consult your doctor if you have any underlying health conditions before starting a fast.


Evangel's 2023 Prayer Targets

1. Carriers of Sustained Revival - "Revival without character implodes"

2. Persistent Signs & Wonders - "Signs and wonders as ‘a’ sign of sustained revival”

3. Influencers and Creators of Culture - “We want to create culture, not critique or condemn”

4. Becoming a people of honour - “Honour is the foundation of a healthy culture”


Prayer & Fasting Commitments


  • January 11 @ 7-8:30pm

  • January 31 @ 7-8:30pm


  • Join the morning prayer on Tuesdays @ 6am (January 10th, 17th & 24th)

  • Devotional is available on our website


We encourage all those who are able to consider joining us for the corporate fast Sunday to Tuesdaym, January 29-31.


Write down (either on the commitment card, or in your journal) the big personal prayer requests that you are fasting about this month. Also take note what type(s) of fasts you will do for the month.